Today we arrived in Brisbane for a few days. We have a mates wedding on Saturday on the Gold Coast and will spend the other time with family and visiting friends.
Google maps is cool. Now we can all use it and Frappr to pinpoint where we live, work, play etc.
Here is my webpage in Frappr so you can get an account and add yourself to one of my maps.
Today google launched its new Google Page Creator service allowing people to easily make free websites.
The service seem ok, is very useable, and includes many handy features and heaps of free nice looking designs to choose from.
Unfortunately the Google Page Creator doesn’t write vaild code.
Worth a look and may come in handy to do quick promos.
I wonder how the pages built with this free service will end up ranking?
I have recently purchased this .com so I can write stuff that I am interested in. More (much more) will be here soon.