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Tag: discipleship

Discipleship in the Christian sense is the process of making someone become like Christ. The disciple of Christ is to become like Christ in everything.

What is a Christian?

After many years of reflection and contemplation, I have come up with this list of the types of things a person does if they are a Christian.

Many people who call themselves Christians don’t match up to this list. Interestingly many who aren’t Christians actually think that the things on this list are correct and expect people who say they are Christians, then they should actually be doing these things.

How to stay on fire for God?

The question of “How to stay on fire for God?” was raised in this video from AoC network. The answer given was 3 things.

  • Stay in prayer
  • Spend time reading the “word” /bible
  • Watch content that builds your spiritual growth

Watch the 13 minute video here that explains that Jesus is on his way and that Satan is trying to distract us.

Making disciples while in lockdown and online

Since the COVID-19 pandemic issue began early in 2020, everyone’s life adjusted. Whether people liked it or it, things were now different. I found it was still actually possible to keep making disciples who make disciples while living with the new restrictions. But some things needed to done to make this possible.