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Category: Xtras

Stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

Free Skype For Mac Download Alternatives

For those who use Skype, they will be disappointed when it stops working. I have some good free Skype for Mac alternatives that can be even better than Skype in some situations.

The main Mac client application that I suggest is Gizmo Project with you can download here. Gizmo is a free phone for your computer but is open source – so isn’t controlled by one company.

I often have use for this free skype for Mac alternative. Try Gizmo today!

How to make $24,000 AUD per day

There is an intersting news item in the Australian news today about the annual salary of one CEO.

Costello questions Trujillo’s $9m salary. 26/09/2006. (ABC News Online)

This article talks of the amonut the CEO of Telstra is paid each year. When you divide the amount into 365 days it works out that he is getting paid close to $24000 per day.

Maybe if he wasn’t being paid so much our home phone might be cheaper!