Because today is the end of 2018 it is good to think about your life (did you use a Bible reading plan?) and how the past year has been.
How was this year for you?
I am sure that you are like most other people and that you want 2019 to be better than this year was.
Over the years I have come to realise that there are 4 things that solid Christians do. In good sized portions all solid Christians:
- read the bible,
- pray fervently,
- share about Jesus,
- and gather regularly with others who do these 3 things.
How are you doing in these areas? What needs to be improved in 2019?
So for many weeks I have been thinking about all the Christian I know. My desire is that they all become better followers and fishermen of Jesus.
I have found that having a good plan to read the bible daily helped me stay closer to Jesus. It helped to me hear from God even if I didn’t always feel like reading, but there was always some special message God had for me that day.
I suspect most of the Christian I know actually don’t read the bible daily so I want to suggest we do something about it. Using a Bible reading plan, let’s read the bible together, to help each other and encourage one another. Many people have found it useful to download this free bible app from:
Then join the daily Bible reading plan that I and others will commit to doing. There are plans that are just 5 days long. Others 8 days. Or 14 days. Some are longer like 2 months. Or even 1 year or longer. The bible reading plans that are best require reading 1 or 2 chapters per day (which is just 5 to 10 minutes) and have a very short commentary about what was just read.
So, once you have the app installed, let me know and I will let you know what to do next.